$Id: CREDITS,v 1.10 2001/08/26 12:40:43 hzhu Exp $ Credits for MatPy - MatPy could not have existed without Python. The Numeric package (by many) and Gnuplot package (by Michael Haggerty) are essential for this project to be feasible. The cephes module from the multipack package (by Travis Oliphant) provides some crucial contents. Many other Open Source tools facilitated and accelerated the development greatly. - Much of the interface was inspired by MatLab. Octave has been crucial to my continued use of this interface when unable to access MatLab. - SourceForge provides a great home for MatPy, as it has for thousands of other open source projects. - I floated the idea of a Python-Octave gateway in comp.lang.python and was suggested instead to implement a wrapper around NumPy (Konrad Hinsen) or modify the Python interpreter (George White). Thus started the project. - Henning Schroeder provided the interactive console matpy. - Jannie Hofmeyr traced all the problems for Windows install and provided detailed information to make it work. Thanks to Gordon McMillan for clarifying the issue of relative import. - Michael Hudson and Thomas Wouters wrote a patch for augmented assignment operators. Gregory Lielens wrote a patch to implement additional operators to distinguish elementwise and matrixwise operations. - David M. Cooke provided working example to use getattr to remove () from methods T, H, I, C, etc. - The following individuals have contributed codes or documentations specifically to MatPy: Henning Schroeder <ich@henning-schroeder.de> matpy Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg@ieee.org> formats.compactAxes Janko Hauser <jhauser@ifm.uni-kiel.de> formats.DelAxes Jannie Hofmeyr <jhsh@maties.sun.ac.za> Windows install Gregory Lielens <gregory.lielens@fft.be> matop.patch David M. Cooke <cookedm@physics.mcmaster.ca> Matrix.__getattr__ - Various bits of information from the following individuals (ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, background info, examples, etc) have found their way into MatPy: Jeff Epler <jepler.lnk@lnk.ispi.net> Tim Peters <tim_one@email.msn.com> Konrad Hinsen <hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr> George White <gwhite@bodnext.bio.dfo.ca>) Michael Haggerty <mhagger@alum.mit.edu> Michael Hudson <mwh21@cam.ac.uk> Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> S. Hoon Yoon <cpu@bigfoot.com> Phil Austin <phil@geog.ubc.ca> Gordon McMillan <gmcm@hypernet.com> Travis Oliphant <Oliphant.Travis@altavista.net> Paul Prescod <paul@prescod.net> Richard Mortier <rmm1002@cam.ac.uk> Jim Boyle <boyle5@llnl.gov> Conrad Cone <ccone@bellatlantic.net> ================================================================== Note: I sometimes use http://www.python.org/pipermail/python-list/ to trace back some of the ideas. If you find any omissions or errors please let me know. Especially when yourself is omitted, don't feel shy to mention it - It will save me time to try to find out. Thanks.