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Gnuplot preferences for X11

If you are using X (the windowing system on Unix-like OSes) you might want to tweak you ~/.Xdefaults to change preference for gnuplot. Here's my setting:

gnuplot*background: black
gnuplot*textColor: white
gnuplot*borderColor: white
gnuplot*axisColor: white
gnuplot*line1Color: red
gnuplot*line2Color: green
gnuplot*line3Color: blue
gnuplot*line4Color: magenta
gnuplot*line5Color: cyan
gnuplot*line6Color: sienna
gnuplot*line7Color: orange
gnuplot*line8Color: coral
gnuplot*Font: 7x14

#gnuplot*backgroundGray: black
gnuplot*textGray: white
gnuplot*borderGray: gray50
gnuplot*axisGray: gray50
gnuplot*line1Gray: gray100
gnuplot*line2Gray: gray60
gnuplot*line3Gray: gray80
gnuplot*line4Gray: gray40
gnuplot*line5Gray: gray90
gnuplot*line6Gray: gray50
gnuplot*line7Gray: gray70
gnuplot*line8Gray: gray30

gnuplot*borderWidth: 2
gnuplot*axisWidth: 2
gnuplot*line1Width: 2
gnuplot*line2Width: 2
gnuplot*line3Width: 2
gnuplot*line4Width: 2
gnuplot*line5Width: 2
gnuplot*line6Width: 2
gnuplot*line7Width: 2
gnuplot*line8Width: 2

Huaiyu Zhu