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Imported names in matpy interpreter

   This is MatPy mode. Type help to get started

exp(x) : elementwise exponential of x
solve(a,b) : return LMS solution of a*x==b
map1(f, *args): a costly reimplementation of map
acosm(x) : matrix arc cosine of x
cumprod(x) : return columnwise cumulative prod
map2(f, *args): elementwise f on matrices args
trapz(x) : return columnwise integration using trapzoidal rule
svd(x) : return Matrix u, array s, Matrix v as svd decomposition
max2(x) : return max of all elements
std(x) : return covariance matrix for columns of x
Stats.distribs : Defines statistical distributions
atan(x) : elementwise arc tangent of x
mmap2(f, *args): return Matrix as elementwise f on matrices args
wait(wtime, str, prompt) : wait wtime or 
sinc(x) : elementwise sin(x)/x
min2(x) : return min of all elements
Matrix_cr(x) : return a matrix from a double list as a column of rows
sinh(x) : elementwise hyperbolic sine of x
acos(x) : elementwise arc cosine of x
ibeta(x,a,b) : elementwise incomplete beta integral of x,
sinm(x) : matrix sine of x
beta(a,b) : elementwise beta function = gamma(a) * gamma(b) / gamma(a+b)
This module provides access to some objects used or maintained by the
Diag(x) : return diag matrix if x is row or col vector
efunc(f, *args) : elementwise function f of args
max(x) : return columnwise maximum if one argument,
flipud(x) : return up-down flipped
Matlab(tm) compatibility functions.
class MatrixType : base class for Matrix - only defines repr and str
names          to see list of current objects (functions, classes,...)
sin(x) : elementwise sine of x
prod(x) : return columnwise product
to_arrayC(data) : convert to complex array
mreduce2(f, *args): return Matrix as elementwise f on matrices args
lgam(x) : elementwise log gam |x|
mfuncC(f, x) : matrix function with possibly complex eigenvalues.
sqrt(x) : elementwise square root of x
to_number(data) : conbert to number if possible
sum(x) : return columnwise sum
diag(x) : return diagonal of x as row vector
class Gplot(Gnuplot) : gnuplot window as an object with methods for
min(x) : return columnwise minimum if one argument,
diff(x) : return columnwise diff, keeping first row.  Inverse of cumsum
asin(x) : elementwise arc sine of x
class Tensor : rudimentary wrapper around NumPy arrays
sinhm(x) : matrix hyperbolic sine of x
any(x) : return row 0-1 vector, indicates each column being partly true
logm(x) : matrix logarithm of x base e
to_array(data) : convert to array
triu(x, k=0) : upper triangular part (on >=k)-th diagonal) of x.
class ScalarType : base class for Scalar - only defines repr
tanm(x) : matrix tangent of x
cosh(x) : elementwise hyperbolic cosine of x
cosem(x) : matrix cosine of x
demo : Run demos one by one
DynSys.kalman : Defines LinearSystem with kalman filtering
MatPy.Stats : statistics oriented stuff
atanm(x) : matrix arc tangent of x
tril(x, k=0) : lower triangular part (on <=k-th diagonal) of x. : Matrix-wise functions
mean(x) : return columnwise mean
efuncRC(*args) : elementwise function of matrices args,
r_range(*i) : row vector of range(i)
eig(x) : return eigenvalues as an array, eigenvectors as a Matrix
cols(x) : split x into a list of columns
class Scalar : class of numbers with customizable formats
flipud(x) : return left-right flipped
igamc(x>0,a>0) : elementwise complemented incomplete gamma integral
rgam(x) : elementwise 1 / gam(x)
Numeric module defining a multi-dimensional array and useful procedures for
to_list(data) : convert to double list
median(x) : return columnwise median
efuncC(f, *args) : elementwise function f of args with possible complex elements
tanh(x) : elementwise hyperbolic tangent of x
igami(y, a>=0) : elementwise inverse incomplete gamma integral
cose(x) : elementwise cosine of x
mfunc(f, x) : matrix function f of matrix x.
std(x) : return columnwise standard deviation
MatPy.DynSys : Modules for dynamical systems - element-wise functions
floor(x) : elementwise largest integer not greater than x
ones(size) : matrix of ones of given size
gam(x) : elementwise gamma function of x
ceil(x) : elementwise smallest integer not less than x
sign(x) : elementwise sign of x in (-1, 0, +1)
to_Matrix(data) : covert to Matrix if possible
tan(x) : elementwise tangent of x
asinm(x) : matrix arc sine of x
expm(x) : matrix exponential of x
A collection of string operations (most are no longer used in Python 1.6).
psi(x) : elementwise derivative of log gam(x)
asinh(x) : elementwise inverse hyperbolic sine of x
sort(x) : return columnwise sorted
norm(x) : return Frobenius norm of x
log10(x) : elementwise logarithm of x base 10
Matrix_r(x) : return a matrix from a list as a row
igam(x>0, a>0) : elementwise incomplete gamma integral
zeros(a, typecode) : return a zero tensor
c_range(*i) : col vector of range(i)
tanhm(x) : matrix hyperbolic tangent of x
reduce2(f, *args): elementwise f on matrices args
Matrix_c(x) : return a matrix from a list as a column
reduce1(f, list): a costly reimplementation of reduce
lookfor(name) : Search docs for keyword <name>
log(x) : elementwise logarithm of x base e
eye(size) : identity matrix of given size
rows(x) : split x into a list of rows
solve(a,b) : return LMS solution of a*x==b
approx_real(x) : return x.real if |x.imag| < |x.real| * _eps_approx
size(data) : return data.shape
unit(n, m) : unit vector of dimension n, pointing at mth direction
find(x) : return list of indices (i,j) for which x[i,j] is true
cumsum(x) : return columnwise cumulative sum
norm1(x) : return columnwise norms
diff(x) : return columnwise diff
sqrtm(x) : matrix square root of x
coshm(x) : matrix hyperbolic cosine of x
Statistics utilities
lbeta(a,b) : elementwise log |beta(x)|
Mrange(*i) : row vector of range(i) - deprecated
MatPy : Matrix package for python, with visualization.
solve(a,b) : return solution of a*x==b
abs(x) : elementwise absolute value of x
sum2(x) : return sum of all elements
ibetai(y, a>=0, b>=0) : elementwise inverse incomplete beta integral
mfunc_p(f, x) : matrix function with positive eigenvalues
class Matrix : main matrix class
ptp(x) : return columnwise ptp?
norm(x) : return Hilbert-Schmidt (?) norm of x
rand(size) : standard uniformly distributed random matrix of given size
all(x) : return row 0-1 vector, indicates each column being all true

Huaiyu Zhu